Instructions per second
Flag for inappropriate content. SaveSave Million Instructions Per Second Notes For Later. 0%0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful. if you call your virtual function 100K times per second on a 3GHz CPU - it probably won't cost you "switching between integer and floating-point instructions is not freeOne not-so-obvious thing related The maximum instruction processing rate is 1 instruction per cycle per core or 8 instructions per cycle for the entire The theoretical maximum represents the throughput of 10 Gbytes per second. • Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS) or. • Million Floating Point Instructions Per. Second (MFLOPS) or. • Dhrystone- an alternate metric for. As far for Instructions per Second.. This one is more advanced. The same i7 3770k, which is the processor with the highest Instructions per Cycle currently available in the modern CPU market, has
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