Olympus manual focus peaking
olympus om-d focus peaking
olympus omd e-m1 manual focusolympus manual focus assist
olympus e-m10 mark ii manual focus
focus peaking olympus e-m10 mark iii
olympus om-d e m5 focus peaking
olympus om-d e-m10 focus peaking
Wait, so on Oly cameras peaking is not active all the time and you have to press button to activate it? Never had Olympus and just want to You will find this by pressing the Menu button on the back of the camera. Then select the gear icon (?). Then select D3 and go to Peaking Settings. This allows Unless Olympus has made a major change, the E-M1 is just like the E-M5 in how it does manual focus assist (obviously it has focus peaking There are two aids: focus peaking and image magnification. Focus peaking highlights the sharp areas of the image in the viewfinder, exaggerating the sharpness
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