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Use an employee handbook template to cover everything for new hires: company policies, team members, perks, and more. An employee handbook template package is a document that communicates your company, mission, culture, policies, and objectives. It should present as a beautiful Not a Contract; Communicate policies; Comply with applicable law. 6. What A Handbook Is Not. Not Personnel Policy Manuals. EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK SERVING BUSINESSES SERVING ECONOMY A Complete set of guidance for Team NeuSource Where each EMPLOYEE POLICY Benefits Conduct HR Manual APPENDICES INTRODUCTION THE NEW SBCGT 1. CONDITIONS OF SERVICE 1.1 Contract of Employment On SlideShare. 0. From Embeds. 0. Number of Embeds. Employee Handbook / Personnel Policies. Doug Scott, Industrial Steel Treating Co. DISCLAIMER. The comments and advice provided by today's presenters are3 Purpose HR policies allow an organization to be clear with employees on: written human resource policy manual can be an enormously effective tool in OBJECTIVES This training will provide supervisors with: A preview of the Employee Manual prior to employee distribution A review of key sections and policy
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